Created: 1/1/1961

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SUBJECT : MILITARY THOUGHT: "The Use of Surface Vessels in Modern Navaly Rear-Admiral N. -Zvyagln


DATE OF INFO: l (Prior to May) Documentary

eliable source

Followingerbatim translation or an article titled "The Use of Surface Vessels in Modern Navalritten by Rear-Admiral ff. Zvyagln.

This article appeared InI Second Issuepecial version of Voyennaya My si (Military Thought) which is classified TOP SECRET by the Soviets and is issued irregularly. It Is distributed only within the Ministry of Defense down to the level of Army Commander.





The important qualitative changes taxing place io tbe armed forcesesult of their being equipped with the newest combat weapons have changed the role and place ln war not only of the types of armed forces, but also of the arms of forces end troops. In ourthese changes are apparent primarily In that thele becoming the basic striking force of the Kavy.l

la this connection, various Tleva are expressed as to the role and position to be occupied by surface vessels in modern naval operations. Often opinions are voiced to the effect that surface vessel* have lost their significance, that tbey will be uselessuture war, and are therefore not needed by tbe Navy. Thus, there Is no apparent need to build new vessels; one can still use the vessels of various types which still exist as port of the Havy; later, with the development of oubmarines, the need for the use of surface vessels in modern navoi operations will fall by the voyeide.

Itact that such large ships os battleships, cruisers, and destroyers, to give then their former designation, hove completely lost oil combat value and have no prospects of being usedovel striking force. The role of tho latter hos been given to theIn foreign navies this role will continue to be borne for some time by aircraft carrier striking large units, although even aircraft carriers do longer represent the force they used to be in the not ao distant post (thl6 is why tbe American high command puts such great emphasis on the development of strike submarines).

But, aa is well known, the purpose of surface vessels was not exclusively to resolve combat missions through the use of large

he navies of the large capitalist countries bore aa their basic striking force large units of aircraft carriers, cooslatlng of surface vessels and deck-based aircraft. In the near future the role of the main striking force will be assigned to the missila-carrying nuclear submarines, which ore being built at an accelerated pace. The navies of the secondary naval powers ore putting greater emphasis on the development of anti-submarine defense, which consists of surface vessels and anti-submarine aircraft and helicopters.

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vessels. Ad Importa at role was played by vessels of other types Id support of tbe basing aod deployment of naval forces. Includingin defense of naval communications and of tbe coastline from attack by enemy surface vessels, and also in resolving other missions.

Although submarines have become the basic arm of forces, tbey cannot always be used without the participation of other arms of naval forces. Submarines need support in their basing and deployment and, primarily, must be defended against enemy submarines. Of all the currently available forces and resources, apodal surface vessels are tbe most effective solution to these missions. In addition, there are some missions which Id effect cannot bo solved at all by other naval forces without surface vessels.

Therefore, we feel that although surface vessels do longer hove the basic role in the Hovy, tbey stillery Important port of it.

The mlGclon^ of surface vcucele under modern conditions have essentially changed. As already stated, in the near future the basic striking force of our probableavy will betrying nuclear submarines. As the number of such submarines increases, tbe threat af the Infliction of their strikes also increases-not only against our naval objectives, but against important industrial centers situated well inside our territory. Fighting against these enemy forces will be conducted by special eubnarlnes of tbedefense,surface vessels.

Pot tho present, as well as ln the near future, the most effective solution of the mission of combat against enemy nuclear submarines can bo achieved only tbe complex utilization of all available forces and means. Tracking facilities at present included Id the equipment of surface vessels allow search and pursuit of enemy submarines to be conducted with great effectiveness. When surface ships are equipped with antiaircraft adseilea and helicopters, their potential insubmarines will become even greater. Such on appraisal of the role of surface vessels ln combatting enemy submarines lo dependent on their ability to remain ot sea for long periods of time at adistance from land and to reconnoiter large areac of the sea ln short periods of time with the help of helicopters.

Tbe dispersed basing of the naval forces, the use of dispersed antlatomic combat and tronolt formations, the constant threat from enemy aircraft, submarines, ond mines all stipulate the need to give

cover to submarines not only wbon entering or leaving their bases, but also to cover their deployment for operations in the open sea. Such support win take tbe fora of combat with tbe antisubmarine submarines of tbe enemy which are deployed at the points of emergence of ourn tbe narrows as well as along their probable routes to tbe opennd the detection and destruction of mines along the route of passage. Although tbe antisubmarine submarines and aircraft will be able to conduct combat with enemy submarines, surface vessels will play an Important role in this engagement under cover of antiaircraft missile units of the Navy and tbe Antiaircraft Defense of tbe Country, as far as tbe danger from mines is concerned, it will be effectively conducted both now and lo tbe near future only by surface vessels /part of lineorces of the Navy, It will be necessary to bring In our missile-equipped surface vessels to engage with those enemy surface vessels which are interfering with tbe deployment of our submarines; for uss as protection fox vessels of antisubmarine defense, which are engaged in searching for enemy submarinesonsiderable distance frost shore, and for dealing with tbe destruction of enemy landing craft and their support ships.

utureignificant role in support of ground troop operations will be the providing of sea transport of men and materiel, mounting tactical landing operations and disrupting naval communications between tha enomy's coastal groupings snd his rear bases. For the solution of these missions it will be necessary to use, along with other forces, surface vessels of snail displacement. Only surface vessels of various designation will be able to accomplish such missions as protecting tbe transport of troops and military equipment, heavy freight, and troop landings.

It will be up to surface vessels equipped with antiaircraft missiles to screen convoys and transports from aerial attack during their passage and in many cases the vessels at their bases.

Surface vessels willefinite role in tbe laying of antisubmarine and antHanding minefields.

Such are the basic missions which require therfaee vessels. It is obvious that complete solution of these missions cannot be accomplished by conventionally armed ships- New classes of vessels with modern weapons will be required.

The composition of the Navy must Include special vessels of two basic classes for antisubmarine warfare against enemy submarines;

vessels for short-range operations, and vessels for long-range operation. Both classes aust have modernequipment, powerful antisubmarine weapons, antiaircraft missile weapons, and antisubmarine helicopters. With such aids they will be able to carry out long-range searches and destroy enemy aubonrines.

Special vessels such aa trawlers, landing craft, and transports will be Deeded for locating and destroying mines, and transport of landing parties, troops, and equipment.

Vessels equipped with missiles will cover antisubmarine defense (PLC) veaaels against attack by enemy surface vessels, primarily from carrier-borne hunter-killer groups of FLO forces, and will escort convoys and landing parties during their ocean passage.

Antiaircraft defense vessels will be needed to screen PLO vessels, convoys, and leading parties during tbe sea passage and ln many cases to protect tbe bases of submarines end other combat vessels against air attack.

The conditions of the use of surface veapels of varloua types at the preaont time are characterized first of all by the fact that It became more difficult for them to defend themselves against enemy air attacks than previously. Aircraft carrying missiles can use their weapons against surface vessels from dittonees of much greater range than antiaircraft missiles launched from vessels. Per this reason surface vessels have practically lost the capacity to defend themselves against air attack and are faced with the necessity of countering airborne missilea of greet speeds, equipped with homing guidance and powerful nuclear charges, andigh probability of hits.

Kiss lie-equipped submarines will present, together withreet menace to surface vessels. Missiles launched by these aub-marines, having the same characteristics as those launched by aircraft, will be able to strike at surface ships under any weather conditions. Fitting nfasiles with nucleor charges significantly increasea the possibility of destroying surface vessels at the time when the vesselshaveimited opportunity of defenae against this weapon.

A particularly dangerous enemy of present-day surface vessels are nuclear-powered submarines equipped with long-range hoeing torpedoes and missiles capable of carrying nuclear charges. Hueleer submarines, capableigh degree of concealment,peed about equip to that of the fast-moving surface vessels. In addition.


submarines have an advantage over surface vessels Id tbe use of hydro-acoustics. urface vessel can be spottedubmarineuch greater rangeubmarineurface vessel. Because of this, submarines are able to successfully attack surface vessels before being spotted, and can use their weapons core effectively than tbee vessels under attack by submarines, nowadays submarines will not always strive to avoid encounter with surface vessels but willeven attack FLO vessels.

In many cases, the present-day surface vessels will not be able to emerge victorious from an engagement with submarines. Though if still capable of carrying out independent combat against conventional diesel submarines, their capacity to effectively search, pursue, and destroy, or some-timee even to escape from nuclear submarines, is very limited. These circumstances made it necessary to equip surface vessels with aDtisubmarlne defense helicopters which may holp to make up the deficiencies of surface vessels in their combat against missile-equipped nuclear submarines.

The potentialities of the mineeapon against surface vessels have also substantially increased. The present day reaction-surfacing (reektivno-vsplyvavushchiy) mines are equipped with extremely sensitive non-contact detonators; these are based on tbe principle of exploitation of various physical fields of tbe vessel, and are adaptedide range of depths. These properties makeonsiderable Increase of tbe areas considered hazardous for surface vessels. Conducting combat with minesheater of operations will take much effort end various combat Beans will have to be used. This will alao limit the possibilities of the use of surface vessels for the solution of combat missions.

The future saturation of all arms of the naval forces with radio-electronic devices, will create conditions which sake it impossible for surface vessels to conceal movement, even under tbe moatweather conditions. Surface vessels can be detected by modern reconnaissance means at any time of day or night and in any part of tbe operational theater, and are subject to strikes by nuclear/missile weapons whose effectiveness is also independent of the time of day or night, or of weather conditions.

The threat of enemy use of nuclear weapons forces surface vessels to sail in dispersed formations. At the same time, due to the increase in tbe firing range of submarines, escort vessels must be placed at much greater distance from the escorted forces than in the



past. Id order to create tbe necessary conditions for surface vessels for their solution of combat missions, it will be necessary toconsiderably the number of escort vessels which will have to be placed along tbe increased perimeter of tbe defended area. Practically speaking, however, in an overwhelming majority of cases this will be Impossible.

While submarines use cruise missiles against escort vessels and transports, antisubmarine defense vessels will be able to use only their antiaircraft missiles. Tbey will not always be able to take direct action against tbe submarine itself.

The use of improved homing devices will effectively Increase tbe possibilities of destruction of surface vessels by torpedoes launched from submarines and small surface carriers.

Tbe development of radar and the increase in the maximum effective range of coastal defence weapons in large measure impedes the approach by surface vessels, evenistant approach route to the enemy coast. It has become increasingly difficult to use large vessels In confinedf operation; they can be detected bv the enemy directly during their departure from their bases. Therefore, in order to utilise surface vessels effectively for the solution of combat missloos in the enemy's coastal area, particularly In confined theaters ofet of complex measures for their security will be required.

All of this complicatesarked degree the utilisation of surface vessels, andarge expenditure of forces for the support of their operations.

However, surface vessels which have missiles of various types, end radioelectronic apparatus, increase the combat capabilities of their Individual classes. Today even small vessels equipped with missiles are capable at cccoat with large vesselsreater number of missiles. In addition, the vessels' armor and other means

Jectionenturies-old princlplo which maintained that surface vessels can be used only in combat against similar or "equivalent strength" (revnoznachnyy) vessels. Any vessel, although equipped with tbe most powerful modem weapons, heavy ormor and perfect means of defense, can be destroyed byatrol boot capable of launching missiles. Mare than that, vessels of small displacement


which are not easily detected by radar and which, for tola reason canarge vessel to within the range of their missiles, will possess Important tactical advantages over the enemy.

The vesslestriking force equipped with missiles, will not have toomplicated maneuver in order to take and bold positions adjusted in relation to the enemy. In order to use their weapons. Approaching end holding tbe firing position will also dependesser degree on tbe relative speeds of tbe vesselsin combat, and their relative disposition.

Equipping vessels with antiaircraft missiles will lessen their dependence on constant air cover provided by land-based fighterwill permit them to resolve missions outside coastal zones of tbe PVO and to defend themselves from the means of enemy air attack. However, the restricted supply of antiaircraft missiles always will be tbe reason for the ship's limited time at sea.

In organizing tactical coordination between separate tactical groups of surface vessels, as well as between vessels and aircraft, it will not be necessary to maintain the rigidly prescribedof tactical groups in relation to each other and to tbe chosen grouping of the enemy. In order tooordinated, concentrated strike against the enemy. It will be sufficient to have only tbe exact target designationsredetermined sequence in the use of weapons by the various tactical groups. Therefore there are wider possibilities of organizing tactical coordination of surface vessels with aircraft in the solution of combat naval actions, io which case the control and guidance of the striking groups of aircraft could be effected from the surface vessels.

Tbe diversity of the missions assigned to surface vessels and the extenslveness of tbe areas in which armed combat at sea will unfold, dictate the necessity of intensive use of surface vessels throughout the course of tbe entire war. Furthermore, tbe Intensity of these military operations will vary. It will be highest during the initial phase of tbe war, and also while supporting theof large forces of submarines for operations at sea, and during their return to bases in the later phases of the war. It will also be augmented considerable while enemy submarines are In action against our no vol forcesostal/ installations.

In this connection It Is Important to plan surface vessel operations meticulously end ahead of time and to hove tbe vessels so

located that they initiate tbe solution of combat mlssiono immediately upon the outbreak of war. This is particularly true for vessels assigned to operate against enemy missile-carrying submarines and of mi stilt /easels brought in for protection of operations by PLO vessels.

The distribution of effort, ss well as the content of the tasks being resolved by surface vessels, will depend ln large measure on tbe nature of the theater of operations and of the anticipated operations of tho enemy.

In open theaters of operations tbe basic content of combat operations by surface vessels will be the screening of submarines during their deployment, and engaging In combat with enemy mlaslle-carrying submarines. ignificant port of the surface vessels' efforts will be expended in supporting tbe passage of convoys.

In confined theaters of operations, surface vessels willimited number of tasks, the basic ones being tbe defense of naval bases and operations against the enemy's Lines of communication.

The qualitative composition of surface vesselsleet depends on the nature of the theater of operations. The basic composition of tbe fleet's surface vessels operating in open theaters of operations, will consist of antisubmarine defense vesselside radius of operation, antiaircraft defense vessels, and missile /easels. In confined theaters of operations, precedence will be given to small PLO vessels, missile patrol boats and small missile vessels. 1

Let us now examine the methods of combat use of surface vessels ln the solution of specific combat missions.

The use of surface vessels to support the deployment of submarines, as stated above, will be more characteristic of open theaters of operation. Surface vessels of various types will have an important role in the solution of this task, especially in their coastal tone, where their basic efforts will be required to be concentrated on the conduct of combat with enemy submarines, and on removing the threat of mines along the routes of deployment of our submarines. Combat operations of surface vessels will be conducted simultaneously with operations of antisubmarine aircraft and helicopters, using at .the same time various positional resources of the PLO. ,

or some time, motor-torpedo boats equipped with long-range booing torpedoes will continue to be of value.


The basic classes of vessels brought In for operations In coastal waters, will be antisubmarine vessels of short operational range which will be used in tactical coordination with other arms of naval forces, and ships of antimine defense (PHO).

As the submarines being deployed get further away from their bases, the composition and the nature of operations of the enemy's forces in action against our submarines will change and, therefore, there will alsohange in tbe composition and operations of our forces supporting tbe deployment. In distant theaters of operations, tbe basic threat to submarines will come from antisubmarine submarines, carrier-borne hunter-killer groups (APUG-avianosnaya poiskovo-udarnaya gruppa) and antisubmarine aircraft of the enemy. In these areas, in contrast with the coastal zone, it will be necessary to conduct combat not only with the enemy's submarine and air forces, but also with his surfacepecifically, the APUO. In this connection, it Is Imperative to give tbe antisubmarine hunter-killer groupssupport byertain number of PVO vessels to them, and by bringing in missile vessels to screen the groups.

During the conduct of combat against enemy antisubmarine defense forces in tbe zone of deployment of submarines, the surface vessels oust operate In tactical groups whose number and composition must be such as to ensure the solution of the main mission.

Operations of tactical groups of surface vessels In distant areas are carried out in close coordination with antisubmarine aircraft and antisubmarine submarines, and are supported by missile vessels and attack aircraft, and, whenever necessary, by units of missile troops.

Missile vessels will primarily be used by independent tactical groups operating in the zone of movement of our submarines, or in the maneuvering area of our surface force grouping which is carrying out search and destruction of the enemy's antisubmarine submarines.

The operations of our antisubmarine vessels supporting the deployment of submarines will result in the detection, destruction, or forced withdrawal of the enemy antisubmarine submarines found in the zone of movement of our submarinesistance exceeding tbe range of their weapons. These operations will be planned according to tbe usual tactics of tbe hunter-killer groups used for the detection and destruction of tbe enemy antisubmarine submarines.

In order to limit tbe possibility of undetected penetration by

enemy antisubmarine submarine! into tbe secure area in order to attack our submarines, tbe operations of tbe vessel hunter-killer groups will have to be supplemented by specially detailed vessels which would set up screens of sonar (radiogldro-akusticheekiy) buoys on tbe borders of the zone under observation. Tbe operation of these screens, set uphort distance froa tbe coast, will be by antisubmarine aircraft and vessels, as well as by helicopters based on the coast. reat distance from our coast, this operation would be done by some of tbe helicopters carried by antisubmarine vessels, as well as by vessels and aircraft. Enemy submarines detected by the sonar buoys must be attacked and destroyed by the vessels, aircraft, and helicopters detailed for operations in that area.

During support of submarine deployment, simultaneously with tbe solution of missions of combat against enemy antisubmarine forces, there will have toearch for and destruction of mines laid along tbe line of passage of tho submarines. Trawlers aDd helicopters can be used for this purpose. Special groups must be formed froa these, capable of destroying mines In those areas which cannot be bypassed by the sub-Brines.

The use of surface vessels In combat against enemyU ccr-;ist cf the ocarcb and destruction of those submarines, mainly within tbe boundaries or tbe possible firing positions for submarines approaching tbe coast to strike targets situated in the depth of our territory. The use or surfsee vessels In the outer zone of antlaubmarlno defense will be limited because of the difficulty in tbe matter of their support.

Taking into account the dispositioneries of objectives and the capabilities of enemy missile submarines, one can assume that the probable areas of their firing poaitions willoCO kms) from the coast. In these areas, combat against enemy submarines will be carried out primarily by long-range antisubmarine vessels resolving missions In coordination with antisubmarineand submarines, utilizing tbe systems of sstisubnarlne surveillance available In the theater of operations.

In open areas, surface vessels can resolve the missions cf location and destruction of enemy submarines only if tbey use the data on tbe Initial discovery of these submarines obtained by tbe positional resources, aircraft, and helicopters. The operations of the antisubmarine vessels must be organized in conjunction with the


operationa Bod disposition of these capabilities.

Unilateral operations by surface vessels in locating enemy missile submarines in open areas will be extremely ineffective, since missile submarines,ydroscouaticol detection system of wider range than surface vessels and tbe capability of the same speed, can

avoid anyn addition to this, having weapons with so effective firing range equal to tbe range of detection of tbe surface

vessels, the submarines can destroy them before tbey themselves are


In this connection, and considering the present capabilities of surface vessels In combat with atomic submarines, which maneuver over wide areas, tbe farmer can be counted uponeel force only If tbey operatenified system of antisubmarine defenseiven theater of operations, as one of Its components.

Surface vessels can successfully conduct unilateral combat operationa against nuclear submarines when the latter are trying to break through narrows, when tbe possibility of dispatching forces for detection purposes can realistically be expected to meet with the necessary success, and when the enemy submarines must operateimited area.

Inasmuch as the length of stay at sea of the tactical groups of vessels of the FLO is Insignificant, due to tbe limited supply of antiaircraft missiles on their escort vessels, tbey will for tbe time being be able to go out into distant areas only periodically, for resolving missions of locating and destroying those enemy missile submarines which have been detected through other means within tba limits of the sea zone of antisubmarine defense. As antisubmarine defense vessels are equipped with an increased number of antiaircraft missiles and es more antiaircraft defense vessels Join their ranks, their use far operations in distant areas for continuous long periods of time will be increased.

On the whole, tbe operations of surface vessels far removed fiom their coast will have an important bearing on tbe general system of combat with enemy missile submarines. Their use in those areas will Increase significantly tbe effectiveness of antisubmarine defense, ond willubstsntial addition to tbe operations ofsubmarines and antisubmarine defense aircraft.

In tbe coastal zone (prlbrezhnaysmall surfsee vessels

of PLO will be used to good advantage for locating and destroying enemy submarines. They will fulfil their missions in coordination with aircraft of the antisubmarine defense and shore-based helicopters, and will be supportedide-range (razvernvtyy) observation ayatem consisting of various forms of fljted resources.

Operations of the forces of antisubmarine defense ln the near zone (bliznnayan polar areas, end at the edge of ica, will ba conducted systematically.

Tbe Joint search for enemy submarines by antisubmarine vessels and helicopters can be carried out within the borders of the coastal zone of the PLO by using land-based helicopters. In the Arctic the range of combined operations by vessels and helicopters can beincreased by setting up helicopter bases on the ice.

It Is necessary to use belicopter-carrying vessels for locating submarines In distant and open water areas. However, since helicoptersimited load-lifting capacity and range of operations, tbey can be fitted only with equipment for finding submarinesomparatively abort range from the parent vessels. As for the destruction of aubmarines,the solution of this task presents well-known dlfficultlee for helicopters, since they are incapable of carrying the necessary torpedoes or bombs. For this reason, it will be necessary in the near future to use helicopters together with antisubmarine vessels which are capable of carrying large supplies of submarine destruction weapons for long periods of time.

The hunt for enemy submarines can be carried out by groups of surface vessels with special equipment enabling them to detect the positionubmarine by the column of ionized gases at tbe moment of launchlna of the ballistic missile. These vessels must have long range entieubamrinc missiles in order to be able to destroy the submarine. The groups of vessels set asideunt by the method stated will be deployed in the areas assigned to them inay that they can effect an overlap of detection along the entire zone of possible firing positions of the enemy submarines. The distance between groups of vessols must be suchetected submarine can be destroyed by antisubmarine missiles at any point of tho observed area. The operations of veaselsubmarine hunt based on detection of the column of ionized exhaust gasee of tho missiles will be carried on in coordination with shore Installations established for tbe aame purpose.

The hunt for enemy missile submarines by ships of the PLO can


be carried on with the aid of the fixed hydroacoustical observation systems or with sonar buoys set out by vessels and aircraft. Surface vessels, utilizing the information on detected submarines aa it cooes in through tbe fixed hydroacoustical means of detection, can then go to the area where the submarines have been detected, and locate and pursue them.

In coastal zone operations, surface vessels can execute the hunt when called upon on the basis of primary data received from tbe fixed hydroacoustical systems of submarine detection. In addition, surface vessels can be used for patrol searches (kootrolnyy poisk} of those submarines which have penetrated into the coastal zone.

In solving missions concerning the defense of naval coamunicatloi lines, surface vessels will be used for the protection of moving convoys against attacks from aubmarlnes, aircraft, surface vessels, and mines. Various classes of surface vessels will constitute the basis of naval forces assigned to defend communication lines. This is due to their ability to stay at sea for long periods of time, their readiness to repel enemy attacks under difficult weather conditions and their acceptanceignificant part of the effort in carrying out antisubmarine, antiaircraft, and antimine defense of convoys during their sea passage.

Surface vessels assigned for antisubmarine, antiaircraft, and antimine defense will resolve their missions primarily by the method of direct defense of the transports.

The antisubmarine defense of the convoys must be bo arranged as to secure their defense from both porpedoes and missile weapons from submarines.

The antiaircraft defense of the convoys in coastal areas, must be effected by the troops of PVO of the Country, aided by vessels of antiaircraft defense. There willpecial need for tbe use of PVO antiaircraft vessels in the next few years for tbe protection of convoys moving beyond the areas of responsibility of the troope of PVO of the Country.

The convoys will be able to move away from the ooaat only in the company of PVO vessels carrying powerful antiaircraft missile weapons. In this connection, the duration of their movement outside the zone of responsibility of tbe troops of PVO of tbe Country will depend primarily on the presence of PVO vessels within the composition of tbe convoys, and on the number of antiaircraft missiles which can

bc used for repelling air attacks.

In operations beyond the coastal zone of PVO, the PVO vessel* will be included for the scat part in the composition of the convoys, included in the general cachet forations with then.

In Deny cases tbe PVO vessels, Jointly with other PVO forces and resourcesommon plan, will be used for defense of the basing and assembly points of tbe convoys. Specifically, they can be used for radar surveillanceaval sector, as well as for reinforcing units of troops of PVO of the Country which protect Installations of the Havy. This willonsiderable increase in the depth of the PVO points of basing and communication linesaval sector. In newly created baaing points where fixed PVO means have not yet been deployed, PVO vessels might be tbe only means of combatting the enemy in tbe air.

In open theaters of operations missile vessels will have to be detailed far screening convoys against possible strikes by enemy surface vessels, inasmuch as the convoys make their long distance passages slowly andonsiderable distance from shore. These vessels can be merged into independent groups. When multi-purpose missile vessels are used to reinforce the PVO of convoys pert cfcan proceed in the saae formation with the transports.

In confined theaters of operations, missile vessels will not be used as often for screening tbe convoys, since this mission can be resolved for the main pert by missile troops and naval aviation.

The use of surface vessels in antlmlne defense will consist of the detection and destruction of mines in the areas of bases and of operations of submarines and surface vessels, as well ss along the routes of convoys. Inshore the search for mines will bo carried out by search vesselsointly with the coastal and sea-going resources of PMO. In areas far removed from the coast, this mission can be resolved only by means of vessels.

In their search for mines in coastal areas where the places of mine-laying are determined by sbore-based or floating posts of anti-mine detection, tbe search vessels must cove into tbe places indicated by these posts, andearch for the nines. The destruction of the mines located will be done by special vessels guided by tbe search vessels.

-The use cf surface vessels in support cf ground trccps will

depend on tbe missions being performed by tbe latter* Surface vessels can be used for landing operations and for tbe protection of flanks and certain installations in tbe reararitime front, against operations of enemy missile vessels. Including patrol boats.

In landing operations the basic mission of surface vessels consists of the transportation and unloading of heavy equipment in the landing sector. This mission is resolved by special landing craft whose operations are supported by missile vessels and vessels of tbe FLO, PVO, and PMO. The operations of tbe PVO vessels have an especially important role. As they follow tbe overall route and combat formations of the landing craft, tbey give cover from air strikes to tbe landing parties during sea passage, during the landing operation, anduntil the deployment of antiaircraft missile units on shore; they will also protect the actual points of landing.

Missile vessels, especially patrol boats'1 be used extensively to cover the landing force during their transport at sea, from enemy missile vessels. In many cases these vessels can be merged into detachments of fire support vesselstryad korableyognevcypodderzhki) assigned specific targets on shore, in tbe Interests of tbe support of tbo lapsing operations.

Missile vessels and patrol boats will play an Important role in tbe resolution of missions for tbe destruction of coastal communication lines serving the enemy's maritime groupings of troop?* In addition, missile vessels can be used for the destruction of enemy surface vessels supporting ground troops which are situated or.side the range of fire of the coastal, short-range missile complexes.

In resolving missions for the support of troops carryingefensive action on shore, missile vessels, especially patrol boats, will participate in tbe destruction of enemy vessels end landing force transports as they approach the defended coast; tbey will also participate In the destruction of the vessels protecting tbe enemy's landing operations, above all the PVO and PLC- vessels.

Tbe operations of missile vessels covering tbe troops on shore who are on tbe defensive against tbe enemy strikes from tbe sea are carried out in coordination with units of missile tnoops of tbe Havy. Tbey will consist mainly of periodical patrolling by groups of vessels close inshore In order to detect and destroy enemy missile vessels attempting to penetrate areas not monitored by units of tbe missile troops of the Navy.

The use of nuclear/missile weapons has had its direct effect on the development of such arms of naval forces as surface vessels. Having lost their role aa the baaic naval striking force, urface vessels have become an integral part of the support forces and have retained the capacity to resolve certain other missions.

Equipping surface vessels with cruise and antiaircraft missiles, with modern means of antisubmarine defense and Installing new engines-steam-turbine and nuclear-willider use of surface vessels. Kew surface vessels will be able to stay away from their basesong period of time and, operatingignificantly long range from their coast, they will be able to perform various important combat missions.

uture war, tbe use of surface vessels of various classes in coordination with other arms of tbe naval forces will give reliable support to submarine operations and will result in the more effective performance of combat missions against missile submarines of the enemy, as wellore successful defense of the basing areas of naval forces.

Original document.

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